well, after a succesful mint show, and bouncing back and forth to school. i managed to fire my kiln, see above.
the mint show was a blast, kyle carpenter and i stayed out the luxurious amersuites hotel chain! we stayed up drinking high quality brews and debated life, pottery, and as usual business. love ya kyle! the studients at school have been cranking. i moved into our new office for part time professional crafts instructors. and i get dizzy watching our fearless leader courtny long as she whirrrrs around the studio and school doing more stuff than one person should be able to do! she makes us all look lazy and slow. the pots have flowed very well the last three weeks managed to pump out a few hundred pots utilizing the weeeee hours of the morning for almost every night, by the time the kiln was loaded and lit i got a beer and sat in the captians chair and immediatly went to sleep! thank god for mike" the hammer" smith! he rolled in from ktown after work and stayed up all night candling all the greenware! the crew was awesom pat "the bear" houston came over thursday to load but i was still glazing, he took his time glazing and we put off loading till friday. we rocked out all day and all night playin air gitar and watching the ball game. the north mitchell all stars played tag team and the rump shaker pulled an all nighter with the hammer and i to finish the thing off at four am! our special guests were Rasta Tom, who loves to come in as an anchor,and he and mikeknow how to lay pipe! Ron "corn cakes" slagle had come up to taste the spring creek waters,he supplied pots, help and of course amazing food! so the kilnis cooling and uploaded some sneak peaks will get all the pots out on thursday, lookin forward to it
bobo out