Saturday, December 20, 2008
what is he thinking!!!!!
Monday, December 8, 2008
tour weekend update

Friday, December 5, 2008
at school

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
she's back
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
back from philly
once again, it has been awhile since i posted, so here is the scoop. i had been working on a group of pots for a firing in my kiln which turned into a firing in linda mcfarlings salt kiln, also finished up the summer session at school, then drove up to philly for the buyers market show. the trip was fun and made a new friend in jason probstein, he makes wonderful glass ornaments and other stuff. anyway the buyers were thin at the show but i believe for my first show i faired very well. most folks were very open with their figures and how they were doing, seems it was a tough show for folks. i picked up some very nice galleries and am very pleased with the rosen group! they treat you very well and take great care of their artists. i meet some wonderful folks there also. now its time to make lots and lots of pots and get the kiln fired by months end! lots to do, i will try to post my progress.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
beach blues

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
day four peeps

Sunday, July 13, 2008
pre dinner show
we had to share our beach spot with these little guys, he is hard tosee great camo! and seagull will snap them up if they are seen. i was glad to see these guys cause we are use to seeing these little sand crabs by the dozen (sounds tasty huh?) on ocracoke.
here is a fine example of the little man running with a shark he just snatched out of the ocean, if you believe that i got some property down here i will sell ya!
so here we have evan and his cousin nate playin onthe beach
ok lisa wants to go cruise the town of duck, so off we go. maybe i can talk her into stopping by a bar. later
Saturday, July 12, 2008
just a quickie folks, arrived at duck with the whole family twenty of us. great house, went to the beach tonight, its a short walk, swam and now its pbr time! will take pictures this week and post them, promise.
later shane
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
hello folks
well, justa quick jump in here. went to the saw mill with evan last night expecting to cut and load a bundle of wood, or what would fit in my truck. saw the owner drive by and gave him a call. the good news is he is still delivering but the price has went up some, thats ok and is expected. i always told him he should charge more and maybe the current gas prices finally got to him. we all love milan! our wood man! so got three large bundles ofhis driest poplar heading my way! for you local woodies, he has about six more bundles laying around and plenty of odd old boards, kline? siding? you should go look at it in the field and talk to milan. well gotta go prep the drop area and cutthe odd pieces that have been layin around for several months. i still have a bundle in a half of hickory and black gum mix, i didnt care for it the last timei fired but need to get it cleaned up. got class today, looking forward to school we are doing serving pieces for our dinnerware sets! i am making the lady a couple of cassaroles. see ya in the hood folks
Sunday, July 6, 2008
one step closer!
Friday, July 4, 2008
going up!!!!!!!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
coming down!!!!!
potsarrazi spotted!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
goins on
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
updates people
well for those who do check in from time to time, here is a update. i recently fired western piedmonts gas kiln with my students work, we unloaded today, and everyone was happy with there pots, good for me. been makin pots at night, but very slowly. i will drag my sorry ass out again tonight and actally take images of my latest pots. i moved onto gays rock work to combat the evil beaver population that is eroding her driveway, 10 tons of rocks to go peeps! wanna help? other than the usual i am knee deep in my search for the elusive 1991 geo metro convertable, well the convertable part is needed but would assure me spruce pine montessori schools car of the year since the evil klineanators awesome honda has finally passed on. seriously, the 1991 metro was rated at 43 mpg! and every year after that it got lower until it reached somewhere in the low thirties! and some believe the oil tycoons are not evil, HA! so if you know of anyone sitting on a nice 1991 five speed 1.o litre fire red convertable geo metro give them my info! well back to teh web to search
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
i posted that the tour was bad on saturday, and it was even worse on sunday, i have never done that poorly on the tour! it left me in a lurch financially and i am back to the grind of early mornig work -teaching-after teaching work, and maybe i can even get into the studio! i have taken the etsy plunge and we will see how it goes. been asking for tips from other sellers, looks like i need alot of items up and alot of relisting to do! we are getting ready to fire the reduction kiln down at western piedmont community college, i am so excited! cant wait to see how it goes. Well gotta get out to the studio and handle some pitchers, trim some pilsners, and maybe throw some pots too. have fun out there.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
tour day one
well, ran back down to ashvegas to get patio furniture, went fine
got back around 11:30/ lunchish hoped for some traffic. It started off ok, but man the sky let loose around 1pm. next thing theres flash flood warnings, man. so no more visitors the rest of the day. glad i wasnt counting on this tour,(wipes tears from eyes) bye bye.
Friday, June 13, 2008
week in a life
well, its funny, i thought i was keepin up but now a week has almost gone by! so what has shane been up to, well as you know teaching is taking up a good chunk of each day and four days days a week, and the gas is killing me! over 300 dollars in two and half weeks! ouch. so a typical day latley has been as follows, up at 6am and out the door by seven to go do some handyman/ construction jobs, leave for western peidmont comm college by 11:30. teach from 1-4:30, then head home, the drive to school or from school to home is averaging around and hour and 20 mins. once home i do some things around the house, dishes, laundry, cut grass, dinner whatever, then if i can scrape myself off the couch i go to the studio to work usually around 8 or 9. i usually work till my eyes feel really tired, you know that feeling? sure you do. so no ohhhs or oh poor him, its a potters life, not a vetern potters life, a potters life, remember i have been making pots for over 15 years, but only six to seven years full time, so when the economy goes to shit and sales slow down i gotta reach down deep into that bag of tricks and find a way to make the benjimans roll in. not ashamed of admiting that one! after i start pulling long days like these i really start to feel better about myself, i believe i was meant to work long and hard, my father (rest in peace pops!) was a millright and let me tell you, those bastards work very hard and long hours too. i actualy wanted to join the local union he was involved in when i graduated high school, but he would have non of that, he wanted his children to go to college, i did so, but the first two years were a joke! when i had to transfer to a real college i landed at frostburg state university in western md. kickaround and eventually found the art dept. when i declard that major (second or third one!) my dad wished he had let me join the union then baby, he was pissed off. its funny though, he worked with his hand in what my opinion was a craft, as they say "engineers design it, millrights build it." think about that for a minute, when you start something out that you design to build it never goes together quite right? no extrapolate that out to a large power house turbin, or other large scale something or other. yep thats about right. lisa is upstairs waking evan up so we can run to asheville and look at patio furniture! so better run, and end this ramble.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
busy,busy busy
sorry its been so long, wheww! fired of the bowls and platters last night, been running like crazy. i think i may be pushing to hard but oh well, gotta keep up with the smiths, or johnsons, whatever. no pics, but i will get some up some time, maybe after i unload the kiln. i am headng to philly buyers market so i need to start getting ready for that even though its in august, pots to make, kiln to rebuild or make fireable whichever is easier. wel just a quick post, more later
Saturday, May 31, 2008
garde time

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